The Proposal

Executive Summary

1. Situational Analysis

2. Outline of Proposal

3. Origins of Proposal

4. USDA Integration

5. Case for Integration

6. Enhanced Funding

7. Case for Funding

8. CREATE-21 and NIFA

Related Materials

Supporting Documents

Values and Principles


Results of BAA Vote



Core Values

Our principles were formed through the years of hard work and connecting with our researchers. In case you need details of our current development, you can find them at

The USDA-university partnership will meet America’s current and future agriculture and natural resource needs through a collaborative effort that:

Promotes scientific excellence.

Values and supports a diversity of institutions (as measured by size, type, and mission).

Links research, education, and extension efforts across state lines through a nationally-coordinated system.

Supports relevant, needs-driven priorities in research, education, and extension as well as discovery-driven programs.

Encourages active, broad-based stakeholder engagement and responds to stakeholder priorities through flexible application of resources.

Equips future practitioners and scientists through a truly integrated program of research, education, and extension.

Provides sufficient physical and intellectual resources to respond effectively to local, regional, and national needs.

Enhances the local and global competitiveness of U.S. food and fiber production.

Operating Principles

To deliver on these core values, a reconstituted partnership will be one that:

Integrates research, education, extension, and outreach.

Demonstrates accountability to stakeholders and funding partners in both the setting of priorities and use of funds.

Provides the physical and human infrastructure and financial resources necessary to support adequately research, education, and extension over the long-term.

Stabilizes and enhances federal funding through a portfolio of funding mechanisms.

Builds new and expands existing arrangements that promote collaboration and cooperation.

Provides an appropriate balance between intramural and extramural research.

Maintains and improves mechanisms that successfully leverage state, local, and private funds.


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